24 May 2021

I love genealogy


I attended an awesome event at the Melton Library and Learning Hub this morning, an event which showed once again what a wonderful team, works at this Library.

With the help of the Melton Family History Group, a local resident Bev, found her “I didn’t know until recently that he existed” half-brother, Kev.

As part of the celebration of “Libraries Change Lives” a little video of Bev’s discovery with the help of Deb Slattery from Melton Family History Group, was debuted.

Bev’s half-brother, and Bev’s sisters attended the event, and the joy of finding each other looked as if it was permanently etched on their faces. To say we all felt warm and fuzzy is an understatement.

To cap off a celebration of the past bringing people to life, Cal Wilson (comedian and ambassador for Libraries Change Lives) entertained everyone with her ode to libraries and congratulations to Bev and Kev. (Cal is credited with the title of this blog.)

If you have been sitting on the fence, wondering about starting your own family history journey – DO IT 😊

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