04 November 2019

It all helps

It’s good to have all the help you can get when you are writing; to that end, I subscribe to a software program that works with Word, called ProWriting Aid. Most of the time it’s invaluable, pointing out repeated words, style issues, sentence structure and readability, other times it labours over readability because there’s one or two words it doesn’t “like”. But I am finding it a valuable addition to my writing toolbox. 

One of ProWriting Aid’s partner organisations had an offer on some online short courses for a very tempting, low, fee. I enrolled, have watched/listened to half of one of the courses and have already learned heaps about non-fiction writing. Should be helpful with McBeath’s biography.

On the McBeath biography subject, I have had great encouragement from the Local and Family History Librarian at Boroondara and am going to the library in a couple of weeks to do some research. (McBeath was Mayor four times.) Ploughing on.

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