09 August 2019

1852 travel journal of my 3x great grandfather - Liverpool to Port Phillip

James Darby left Liverpool on the Statesman on 22nd June 1852.
These excerpts are from the journal he kept on board. I have typed it as he wrote it. It is an amazing insight into how the journey progressed.
James was single and 26 years old. He travelled with two of his cousins. On arrival they went to Forest Creek on the Castlemaine Gold Fields.

June 28th Monday
Up at eight, the sea rough with the wind quite in our teeth. Nothing but tacking about. Passengers most of them dreadfully sick as well as some of the sailors. Went to bed about eleven o’clock and discovered in the morning that my bed and pillows were very wet…
Got up in no pleasant mode – went to the Captain and complained. He ordered the Mate. The Mate ordered the Carpenter – and the Carpenter had something else to do…So I am still the same but am determined not to put up with it. Pulled my bed etc. on to the deck to dry – but found them very damp – am again going to (do) it. 

July 1st
In the broad Atlantic weather – very cold for the time of the year. Nothing particular transpired during the day. Went to bed and found our Cabin in total darkness – the man being too ill to light the lamps. Men laying like children, their nasty messes laying in all direction…still quite well in health.

Up at 5am to the sound of the words “Land O” which proved to be Porto Santo and about 2 pm we discovered Madeira at about 15 miles distant. Weather hot and fine…  
...After watching them till I could not possibly look any more I laid on the deck to sleep – but took great care to keep my head covered as it is attended with great danger not to do so in these latitudes owing to the power of the moon – Moonstroke proving at most times fatal.


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